
This shrine is dedicated to my feelings for My Chemical Romance, a band that saved my life multiple times and still does. (PS: this is not a shrine about the band itself). My first contact with it was in 2015, when a friend shared a funny picture of all the members in the Revenge Era, and I got curious cause I never saw those people before. funny picture of all the members in the Revenge Era, and I got curious cause I never saw those people before.

I believe their first song I listened to was WTTBP, obviously, and I immediately fell in love with the band's visuals and the powerful message of acknowleging my despair at the time and also providing me hope. I was going through very dark times, and was beginning to explore my gender identity and expression. I've been a fan of screamo for a few years, and immediately fell in love with Gerard's, Ray's and Frank's voices. They sound so angelic and raw and it


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